Complaints Procedure

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We always strive for excellent customer service. If you are not entirely satisfied with the Introduction service you received from Switched On Solutions-Energy Ltd (Switched On Solutions) please let us know you concerns. 

How can I complain? 

If you wish to complain please contact us using the following details: 

1. a) E-mail us:
b) Write to us: FAO Complaints Manager, Switched On Solutions-Energy Ltd, Old Brew House, Rectory Gardens, Harthill, South Yorkshire, S26 7YG. 

Please provide as much information as possible to help us resolve your complaint and how you would like to be contacted in the future. All complaints will be treated with courtesy and respect and always in total confidence. 

What details do we need? 

To help us investigate your complaint, please provide us with your Name, Address, Contact Number and full details of your concern. 

If the complaint is about another party, such as an energy company with whom we have introduced your business, we will refer details of the complaint to the third party and confirm this course of action to the complainant in writing. 

What happens when we receive the complaint? 

All written complaints will be acknowledged by our Complaints Officer in writing within five business days of receipt. 

If we are unable to resolve the query straight away, we aim to take no longer than 7 working days to review and respond. We are always looking to improve our services and take any kind of dissatisfaction very seriously. A resolution may be offered in a form of an apology, an explanation, action to correct the problem, or a financial award. 

We will always keep a record of a complaint and use it as an opportunity to improve our service to our clients. 

How long will it take to resolve? 

We will always aim to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible. If we cannot do this, we will acknowledge your complaint in writing within five working days of receiving it. 

Our Response 

Will we always keep you informed on the progress of the investigation by writing to you no later than four weeks after your initial complaint, to let you know the outcome of our investigations. 

Sometimes we will not be able to resolve your complaint and further investigation will be required. If your case needs further investigation we will write to you informing you of the delay within 5 days. 

We are committed to ensuring that you receive a final response letter detailing the outcome of our investigation within eight weeks of receiving your complaint. 

What if I’m not satisfied and / or we can’t resolve the complaint in eight weeks? 

Hopefully, it doesn’t come to this step and we have resolved your complaint to your satisfaction. However, if we have not been able to agree a resolution to your complaint and we are now in a deadlock situation or the complaint has not been resolved within eight weeks, as a micro business (employing less than 10 people) you can contact the energy Ombudsman which is impartial and free to use. 


If you are not happy with our final response, or we have not provided a response within eight weeks you can ask us for a formal review by writing to us: Complaints Manager, Switched On Solutions-Energy Ltd, Old Brew House, Rectory Gardens, Harthill, South Yorkshire, S26 7YG. 

Or you can contact the Energy Ombudsman. 

Post: Ombudsman Services: Energy, PO Box 966, Warrington, WA4 9DF 

Telephone: 0330 0440 1624 



You have a maximum of 6 months from the date of our final response to contact the Ombudsman Service. 

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Contact Us

Old Brew House,
Union Street,
Harthill, South Yorkshire,
S26 7YG