These days, stress management is a hot topic. According to HSE, as many as 828,000 workers were affected by work-related stress, depression or anxiety in 2019/20, which represents 2,400 per 100,000 workers and roughly 17.9 million working days lost to sickness absence1. With the current pandemic situation, stress and burnout are more common than ever. Depression and loneliness are also on the rise, with more and more workers having to work from home in isolation from their co-workers.
The regular practice of Yoga wellness programmes has shown in studies to improve mood, boost productivity and vitality in the workplace, leading to a healthy growing business, and in turn a healthy economy2,3,4. Yoga is a fantastic way to keep your staff happy and motivated!
It has even been suggested by Public Health England5 that workplaces should be offering weekly yoga classes to their employees, and more recently, ACAAI have recommended using Yoga as a strategy to help individuals overcome Covid-19 anxiety in the workplace6.
This is where Frananda Yoga comes in. With over ten years of personal experience working within high-stress workplace environments, Francesca is a leading expert on Yoga, Mental Health and Wellness in the workplace. Working with Frananda Yoga in partnership can help your business and its employees to feel calmer, more relaxed and more productive at work. Whether you’re looking for a one-off, one day workshop, or wish to buy your staff a membership to our yoga classes, we’ve got the right package for you. To find out more, please visit or email
Related: Why not try this FREE Five minute Yoga Desk Sequence. Perfect for those moments when you can’t tear yourself away from the desk.